a catalog of the pages of a animation art school student's sketchbooks

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Magic-Sculpt Helmet

I sculpted the Knight's helmet out of Magic-Sculpt epoxy clay last night. This is my first time working with the material, and I'm pretty happy with the results, but I think I'll make another one because I had such a difficult time. It's seriously like sculpting with bubblegum! I like the consistency after it hardens though, really neat material. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Knight's Hands Mold Making

I am making a two part silicone mold for the knight's gloves.

After I sculpted the hands in Chevant Oil Clay over the floral wire armature I secured them in the container with hot glue. I am using a tuppleware container because the transparent plastic makes it easy to see if the hands are level!

I mixed up my Mold-Star Silicone and poured it into the container to make the mold and let it cure overnight. Instead of pouring the two halves of the mold separately, I made one solid block that I will razor apart to get the two even halves. 

Here is the two halves that I razored apart. I hope my attempts to cut in registration tabs didn't make me mangle it too badly, but I can see the two halves of the hands, and the silicone set up properly, so that is good.  There is one bubble in the palm of the left (bottom) hand, but I can patch that. 
Next step: casting!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mini Gloves

Second Attempt at sculpting and casting the replaceable hands for the Knight's gloves. I messed up making the silicon rubber mold on the first pair. That's okay though, I did a better job sculpting the gloves on the second time around. 

Chevant Oil Clay over Aluminum and Brass Stock Armature

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Finished the Chain Mail!

I've been using a super tiny crochet hook to crochet metallic thread for the knight's chain mail. It has been super fun working on such a tiny scale and I am very pleased with the result!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ignite Environment Design

I've been really challenged to design the set for Ignite. I keep bouncing between setting it in a cave or the forest. I think the set will be come a lot clearer once I see the colors that the physical puppets turn out to be, as well as the effect of real light and shadow. 

Right now, I am leaning towards a birch forest, keeping the colors in the set to a minimum.